New to RMN Events?
Here’s how to get started …
REGISTRATION – Find the tournament page for the tournament that you want to attend. Click the link to register and follow the registration process. If you do not make the pre-registered weight, we will move your wrestler up a weight class at NO cost. In the event is not sold out, we will offer onsite registration at weigh-ins with a $15 late fee.
2018 Rocky Mountain Nationals
WEIGH-INS - Please check each event for weigh-in times. We offer an earlier weigh-in time called FASTPASS. FASTPASS has a $20 CASH ONLY fee. Once you arrive to weigh-ins, you will be able to head right to the check scales. Once you have checked your weight, you will get a skin check from a certified RMN Official. After your skin check has been completed, you will continue to the scales where your official weigh-in will be recorded. You will be then given your admission band. If you are not in the correct weight or division, please speak with one of the weigh-in personnel and they will correct your weight class or division.
Please note: if you are overweight at the official scale, you will receive 3 tries to make weight and may challenge 3 different scales. Once you make weight you will receive a wristband. This wristband MUST be on your wrist, it allows your entry into the event, and you WILL wrestle with it on.
Please note: If you leave without your band, you will not be entered into the event. Brackets will be posted by 7 AM the following day. If you have any bracketing issues, all bracket changes will have to be done by 8:30 AM.
All Passes – Floor passes will be available to purchase on our event website. If you PRE-register 5 wrestlers on the same team, you will receive one complimentary Floor Pass. You will be able to pick up your free/pre-sold coaches’ band at weigh-ins. You may also buy all Spectator and Floor Passes the day of the event. In most cases, bands are pre-sold at weigh-ins. Kids 4-and-under are free.
Tournament Day – All Brackets and Streaming are on
Once you locate your wrestler on the bracket, there will be a number next to the wrestler's name. That is the mat number and bout number that your wrestler will be wrestling. Example 609 is Mat 6 bout 9, 1621 is Mat 16 bout 21. Please be down by your mat at least 2 matches before your match in order to receive your ankle band. If your competitor is not by your mat to be staged, s/he will get 3 calls from the announcer before s/he is scratched from that match.
All wrestle backs are already scheduled on the bracket and will wrestle unless the wrestlers have already wrestled each other. If you are double-bracketed, you forfeit any rest time. If you are scheduled to wrestle on both brackets at the same time, notify one of the tables about your situation. While they will push back one match until you are done, you will have to go immediately to that table and check in after your match is complete.
Medical trainers are always present. Should an injury occur, please locate the medical training station at the beginning of the tournament.
Should you have a problem with an official's call during a match, you have the right to challenge that call. Both wrestlers and coaches must remain at the mat until the situation is resolved. Please note: if the match is completed and you do not agree with the official’s call, you may ask to have the head official for a final decision. You will need to tell the table help to send a message to the head table requesting the head official to that mat. Once you leave the mat, all calls are final.
Awards - Once you are done competing for the day, awards are available to pick up as soon as your placement match is completed. Once you get to the awards table, tell the RMN Events representative your age, weight, and name. Once you receive your award, you are free to leave the venue.
We are here to help if you have questions, please feel free to ask. If you have issues, we will correct those.