We are certain you will value this year’s awards for years to come!


General Criteria
All contestants must compete and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals.
All special awards listed above are won only at the Rocky Mountain Nationals.
We will make every effort is to bracket multiple tournament champions so they will have at least 3 matches per event & one bracket per event.
Please note: Colorado wrestlers must compete in at least one out-of-state RMN Event.
Wrestlers must wrestle in the same age division at ALL qualifying tournaments.
Special awards are awarded in the regular division only.
All special awards, except those specifically named, must be awarded at the Rocky Mountain Nationals.
To be eligible for the special awards, you must compete in the age group for which the JANUARY 1ST age group cut-off date qualifies you.
Age Group Cut-Off Date: For RMN Events, the established date for the age group cut-off is January 1st. However, for the D-Day on Broadway, Cosmic Clash, California Cosmic Bash & Freak Show, the age group cut-off is the day of weigh-ins.
For Example: If you are 10 as of the Cosmic Clash and/or Freak Show, but you will be 11 as of January 1st, ONLY those matches competed in the 12-&-Under Division will count for special award considerations.
Those who win their fifth & sixth RMN Event will also win the RMN Championship Belt and the Ring of Fame.
If a wrestler begins the season competing at one weight class, but moves up and then back down a weight class, the matches wrestled in the higher weight will not counttoward special awards. Exception: Onlywhen Events Staff combines/moves the wrestler due to bracketing reasons; however, the 3-match rule will still apply.
Wrestlers are only allowed to win one special award in one age group.

All "Rookies" will be matched according to age and weight. RMN Events reserves the right to block bracket.
NEW! The "Rookie of the Year-Award" wrestlers must meet the following criteria to be considered:
A wrestler must wrestle and finish 1st place in the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
One weight per tournament will count toward the Rookie of the Year award.
Please keep in mind: "Rookies" must only have 2-years or less experience; a violation of this rule will eliminate wrestler from all Rookie awards.
The Rookie of the Year Award will be awarded to the top place finisher with the most wins.
Only one "Rookie of the Year Award" will be awarded in this division at Rocky Mountain Nationals.
A wrestler must be the champion of at least 3 RMN Events.
A wrestler must be the champion in one out-of-state RMN Event.
The 3-match rule per tournament in the Rookie division will apply (RMN staff will do our best to make this happen).


Triple Crown
Every Triple Crown is hand crafted by a third generation museum sculptor
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be:
Champion in a weight class where s/he competed in a minimum of three (3) matches per event in any two (2) RMN tournaments AND ...
The wrestler must compete in and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
Winners must have accumulated (9) nine wins, resulting in a 1st place finish. Not an average – NO EXCEPTIONS!

RMN Tri-State Belt
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be the champion in a weight class where s/he has a minimum of three (3) matches.
Wrestlers must choose three events and win those same three events (not an average).
Please refer to the individual event to determine eligibility for Tri-State criteria.
Qualifiers are not allowed to use the same event twice.
RMN Events must receive an email prior to the first leg of the Tri-State belt declaring your three tournaments of choice (see below); email your selections to belts@rmnevents.com.
RMN will send a confirmation email – please keep your email receipt!
If double bracketing in the same division, the lightest weight will count towards the Tri State belt wins.
NOTE: Notifications are only required on the Tri-State Belt.
Wrestlers must choose from one of the following buckets to win a Tri-State Belt:
Cosmic Clash, Freakshow, Monster Match
Cosmic Clash, Pocatello Punisher, California Bash
Freakshow, American Top Gunz, California Bash or Rumble in Reno
Monster Match, Who's Bad?, Terminator,
Who's Bad?, NM Showdown, Wild West
Smash, American Top Guns, NM Showdown
NM Showdown, Terminator, Aztec
Clash at Bullhead, Rocky Mountain Nationals, D-Day
Monster Match, Wild West, Rocky Mountain Nationals
Clash at Bullhead, Hero’s Conquest, D-Day
New Series: Winners of all (3) events WIN the Gaunlet.
*The Tri-State Belt is an exception to the rule that one of the tournaments must be Rocky Mountain Nationals.*

Golden Gear
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be:
Champion in a weight class where s/he competed in a minimum of three (3) matches per event in a total of any three (3) RMN tournaments(including one out-of-state tournament) AND ...
The wrestler must compete in and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
Winners must have accumulated (12) twelve wins, resulting in a 1st place finish. Not an average – NO EXCEPTIONS!
PLEASE NOTE: Champions who win the Golden Gear award will receive custom gear signifying the award: Golden Gear Singlet, Rash Guard and Fight Shorts. As the gear is all custom made, it will take up to 4-weeks to complete. Please be advised of the timeline, as it is impossible to create them ahead of time with the correct weight and name that will be printed on each garment for each individual who wins the Golden Gear. Each Golden Gear Champion may request his or her own size, which may be larger so as to anticipate growth. Good luck to all ... it will be a commemorative item never to be forgotten!

RMN World Championship Belt
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be:
Champion in a weight class where s/he competed in a minimum of three (3) matches per event in any four (4) RMN tournaments(including one out of state tournament) AND ...
The wrestler must compete in and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
Winners must have accumulated (15) fifteen wins, resulting in a 1st place finish. Not an average – NO EXCEPTIONS!
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be:
Winners must have accumulated (18) wins resulting in a 1st place finish. Not an average – NO EXCEPTIONS.
The wrestler must compete and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
Champion in a weight class where s/he competed in a minimum of three (3) matches per event in any five (5) RMN tournaments (including one out-of-state tournament).

Ring Of Fame
Award Eligibility requires the wrestler to be:
Winners must have accumulated (18) wins resulting in a 1st place finish. Not an average – NO EXCEPTIONS.
The wrestler must compete and win the Rocky Mountain Nationals of the current tournament season.
Champion in a weight class where s/he competed in a minimum of three (3) matches per event in any five (5) RMN tournaments (including one out-of-state tournament).